acuarela seleccionada en el 62º certamen de acuarelas "temas de madrid" organizado por la agrupación española de acuarelistas con la colaboración del ayuntamiento de madrid.
thanks again, aritul! i was wondering lately who might be the person who often visits my blog from the states, as i can see in feedburner. i was beginning to think it might be a friend who lives in miami. come back whenever you want!
4 comentarios:
Very nice!
thanks again, aritul! i was wondering lately who might be the person who often visits my blog from the states, as i can see in feedburner. i was beginning to think it might be a friend who lives in miami. come back whenever you want!
Well I've never met you, but I do live in Miami. = )
I really enjoy your blog.
AMAZING!! in this picture you look like Favila. (An amazing spanish painter)
Really love it!!
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